Step 1 - Download The first step is to download from and upload the files to your server. In the main folder only keep the file index.php and .htaccess, in the application folder, you can delete all the items inside folders(helpers,orm,models,controller,views) or maybe it(what it has) will be useful as example.

Step 2 - Basic Config Open up application/configuration/config.php and pay atention now only ih this lines:


// Application's Base URL
define('BASE_URL',''); // or http://localhost/yourFolder/ 
//Don't forget the trailing slash on the end
//Your Application's Default Timezone
//Syntax for your local timezone can be found at
// Auto Load Libraries
// Auto Load Helpers

autoload_libraries is an array of libraries that Salem should load for every page. For instance, if you are going to be using a lot of databasing in your application then it would probably be a good idea to autoload the db library for every page.

autoload_helpers is an array of helpers that Salem should load for every page. For now you should just leave this alone.

Step 3 - Database If you are going to be using a database in your application, you will need to open up application/config/db.php and change the driver, host, username, and password information in the db array. For more info on this, see Database Configuration.

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